Do you want to become an elite copywriter in 10 days time?

I will teach you 80% of what you need to know in 10 days.

Joseph Sugarman is the greatest copywriter who ever lived. He sold a $240,000 airplane with one magazine ad. He sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sunglasses, smoke alarms, and thermostats with nothing more than the written word.You can use copywriting to make thousands of dollars, too.Sadly, Joe died in 2022 so you’ll never be able to learn his secrets. Just kidding.He wrote a fantastic book but it’s 346 pages. And reading isn’t the best way to learn.Doing is.So allow me to introduce you to the concept of copywork—AKA how you’ll become an elite copywriter in 10 days time.

The secret learning technique of legends

All great writers have practiced copywork. It’s how Ben Franklin learned to write. Hunter S. Thompson copied huge sections of The Great Gatsby or A Farewell to Arms word for word before he wrote Hell’s Angels. They all did it. You should too.

My high school math teacher was right

Mrs. Yarrish always said there’s a connection between pen, paper, and your brain. When you write something by hand, the knowledge travels up the pen, through your arm, and straight into your brain.It doesn’t happen when you type, read, or speak. That is the secret.That scientific principle is the foundation of copywork.I, who make my living copywriting, practice copywork for 30 minutes every day. My ads have made millions for my clients — millions of which they happily give me a sliver (which I happily accept).

How does copywork actually work

Copywork is simple. Pick an example of excellent copy. Then grab a pen and paper and copy it word for word. What happens is amazing.You start to see how the legends thought as they wrote. You realize what they wanted the reader to feel. You notice exactly when they go for the sale. And then a truly incredible thing happens.You learn how to do it too.If you want to be a great copywriter, you must first imitate the greats who came before you. Don’t worry. Once you understand basic principles, you’ll develop your own style.Now, my friend, it’s time.

Take the Copywriter’s Challenge

Zero to Copywriter is a comprehensive guide to becoming a top-notch copywriter in 10 days.I’ll teach you how to write incredible headlines. I’ll teach you how to write so smoothly readers have no choice but to keep reading. I’ll even teach you how to dominate cold outreach.

Here’s how it works

Every weekday for 10 days, you’ll get an email with:

  • 1 copywriting lesson

  • 1 copywork assignment

Each lesson takes no more than 30 minutes.At the end, you’ll know 80% of what’s required to be an elite copywriter. That other 20% will take years to learn (I’m still learning). But if you know 80%, the sky’s the limit for you.You’ll mop the floor with the competition for freelance work. You’ll get repeat clients. You’ll double your rates.You don’t know it yet, but the lessons you’ll learn in Zero to Copywriter could change your life. They sure changed mine.